PRO-LEARN - 2019-1-PL01-KA201-065726
Romanian Polish Italian Greek English

PRO-LEARN Kids questionnaire

The effectiveness of a child's functioning both in the school environment and outside it is the result of a number of factors. Among them, cognitive processes (memory, attention, thinking and perception) and preferred learning styles are very important. The PRO-LEARN Kids tool was created by an international team of experts from five countries (Cyprus, Greece, Poland, Italy, Romania) as a support for parents and teachers and is designed to measure two key areas of functioning of children aged 6 to 10 years.

By completing this questionnaire, you will have a chance to reflect on the functioning of the child you are bringing up or taught. After completing it, you will also receive a free, detailed report characterizing the assessed child along with tips supporting its further development. The condition for obtaining reliable results and credible feedback is good knowledge of the child and honest attitude to individual statements. Therefore, it is necessary to indicate the answers that illustrate what the child is, not what it should be.

Please complete the entire test in one attempt. If, however, during the completion of the test you have to stop the test, please write down the unique code in the upper right corner. After entering it, the next time you log in, you will be able to continue completing the test from the point where it was interrupted.

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